I am unapologetic in my love for cranberry sauce. Cranberries are loaded with great nutrients and bring a freshness to a holiday table. I took a poll on my instagram page and you all were with me — less than 25% of respondents were okay skipping cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving.
If you grew up with the canned stuff on your table as a kid and no one ate it, I’m not surprised you think it’s disgusting – that ruby gel bears no semblance to a homemade cranberry sauce. If you have a selective eater at home, consider this as one of your new foods to try during the holiday. This recipe is very simple and kid-friendly to make and it’s not a very expensive investment. I would encourage you to whip up this one pan recipe and get your kiddos involved. Let them tell you about the shape and color of the berries, and to listen as they pop in the pan. Talk about how the texture changes the longer it cooks and let them take a lick of the spatula once it’s cooled down a bit.
Cranberry sauce is a great make ahead item: start to finish in less than thirty minutes, plus it can sit in the fridge for a few days before being served.